Yinglian Xie Named Woman of Influence by the Silicon Valley Business Journal

May 24, 2017

Yinglian SVBJ WOIAccording to the 2016 Anita Borg Institute’s Top Companies for Women Technologists program, only 21.7 percent of women hold technical roles. That’s why DataVisor, with two female cofounders and 32 percent of women in technical roles, can seem like an anomaly in the world of Silicon Valley startups.
Yinglian Xie, co-founder and CEO, along with Fang Yu, co-founder and CTO, have created a company that is not only innovative, but attracts some of the top female technical talent in the country. Why? Yinglian and Fang are great role models on how female engineers can succeed in technology startups and they provide an empowering culture for them to grow and achieve their goals.
And people are starting to notice.
Recently our CEO, Yinglian Xie, was honored as a Women in Influence by the Silicon Valley Business Journal. On May 18, she was recognized among fellow winners representing companies such as Adobe, eBay, NASA, Microsoft, Cisco, and Intuit for her contributions to not only DataVisor, but shifting the balance of women in executive roles at tech companies.
You can read more about Yinglian here in her profile in the Silicon Valley Business Journal.
It came as no surprise to our staff that Yinglian received this honor because we at DataVisor feel honored to have the opportunity to work with her every day. Congratulations, Yinglian, on this well-deserved recognition!