Real-time device fingerprinting and behavioral analysis to detect risky devices, establish baseline user behavior, and uncover deviations.
Effortless integration with third-party signals to build comprehensive customer profiles, with data from breaches and dark web.
Datavisor has demonstrated an unwavering commitment to our enterprise success by seamlessly integrating their risk detection scores into our online-decisioning. Utilizing DataVisor’s innovative machine learning approach and robust fraud prevention platform, we were able to increase our own real-time fraud prevention.
Viruses and malware can achieve many functions. They commonly steal information from a victim’s device. Many viruses can track your keystrokes as you enter your passwords and others can hijack bank details by spying on your browser.
Social engineering in account takeover refers to the manipulation of individuals to gain unauthorized access to their online accounts. It involves exploiting psychological tactics and deceiving the account holder into revealing sensitive information.
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