We’re Talking Online Fraud Prevention with Spark at Strata + Hadoop World

March 19, 2016

After a successful launch of our DataVisor User Analytics Service at MRC earlier this month, we’re heading to Strata + Hadoop World in San Jose this week to talk about how we are using Spark to provide online fraud prevention.

Presented by O’Reilly and Cloudera, Strata + Hadoop World is where technologists from businesses of all verticals come to explore and discuss the emerging technologies that are changing the field of Big Data.

During her session, “Leveraging Spark to analyze billions of user actions to reveal hidden fraudsters,” our very own CEO and Co-Founder Yinglian Xie will be describing the anatomy of modern online services and the sophisticated attack techniques that have been used across a number of services, including social networking, gaming, financial, ecommerce, and other vertical markets. Yinglian will be demonstrating how Spark enables DataVisor to run advanced unsupervised algorithms to analyze billions of events per hour to provide online fraud prevention detect these malicious campaigns before they can do any damage.

If you’re interested in learning how well-organized crime rings are creating millions of fake user accounts to hide amongst your benign users and waging sophisticated (and costly) attacks, not to mention how to find them, be sure to attend Yinglian’s session on online fraud prevention, which takes place on Wednesday, March 30th at 4:20 pm PT.

If you’re not at Strata + Hadooop World, but would like to learn more, we’d love to hear from you. Visit us at www.datavisor.com or request a trial here.